First and foremost, I have always been a fan of horror stories. I recall every year taking trips to the library with my dad and sisters during the summer vacation months. We were encouraged to check out books for studying purposes. I succesfully managed to only get books that I thought were worth reading. All of those had plots that involved ghosts, witches, murderers or zombies. I suppose this section of my site is dedicated to helping you understand my macabre sense of humor.

Now, I also understand that while the hit AMC show, The Walking Dead has created a huge fan following of zombie lovers and I am not one of those. I love The Walking Dead, but my love of zombie movies started with Romero's 1960, The Night of the Living Dead. I watched that movie as a child and it terrorized me almost every night. I use to create mental escape routes in case our home was invaded by a zombie horde. So this goes to say, that I'm not a lover of zombies themselves, but I get a thrill out of planning for apocolyptic scenarios. Zombie movies provide just that.

Regardless, I just needed to rant, rave and share all things zombie related, simply because it brings a sense of peace to my life.

An illustration inked in Illustrator of a zombie I was creating for an earlier version of my website. I've long since killed the plans for that design.